Lafferty Equipment manufactures hundreds of standard products and variants with countless opportunities for customization.
Many product and part names are functional descriptions that represent the principle of operation and/or included components. Abbreviations are often combined in product names and descriptions.
For example:
- HV Foamer = High Volume Foamer
- HVHC Foamer = High Volume, High Concentrate Foamer
- HVHCSS Foamer = High Volume, High Concentrate, Stainless Steel Foamer
This list includes our most common abbreviations, but it is not a comprehensive list. Product overviews, key feature lists, and part diagrams typically explain abbreviations in context, but don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Abbreviation | Definition |
Adj. | Adjustable |
AF | Airless Foamer |
AODD | Air Operated Double Diaphragm (Pump) |
AP | Air Pump |
AR | Asphalt Release |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
B | Both (Ends Have Fittings) — Also, Bottle |
BF | Bottle Fill |
BNM | Blue Non-Marking |
BOM | Bill Of Materials |
BSP | British Standard Pipe Thread |
C/R/F | Chemical Rinse Foam |
C/R/R/F | Chemical Rinse Rinse Foam |
CF | Chemical Foam |
CPVC | Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride |
DART | Drive thru Asphalt Release – Timed |
DBM | Drum Bung Mount |
DU | Dual Chemical Pickup |
DUHC | Dual Chemical Pickup – High Concentrate |
EE | Electric Eye |
EP | Electric Pump |
EPDM | Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer |
FF | Female-Female |
FFB | Female-Female W/ Butterfly Handle |
FFL | Female-Female W/ Lever Handle |
FGH | Female Garden Hose |
FM | Female-Male |
FMB | Female-Male W/ Butterfly Handle |
FML | Female-Male W/ Lever Handle |
FPS | Flojet Air Pump W/ Santoprene Seals |
GH | Garden Hose |
GHF | Garden Hose Fitting |
GPM | Gallons Per Minute |
HB | Hose Barb |
HC | High Concentrate |
HDS | Hose Drop Station |
HF | High Flow |
HP | High Pressure |
HV | High Volume |
ID | Inside Diameter |
K | Kalrez |
LB | Lock Box |
LC | Low City Pressure |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LEM or LE | Lafferty Equipment Modified (Custom Products) |
LF | Low Flow |
LM | Level Master |
LV | Low Volume |
MGH | Male Garden Hose |
MM | Metering Manifold |
Mod. | Modified |
MPT | Male Pipe Threads |
NPB | Nickel Plated Brass |
OD | Outside Diameter |
PD | Pre-Dilute (For Pre-Diluted Chemical) |
PF | Pump-Fed |
PFB | Pump-Fed Block |
PP | Polypropylene |
PPB | Polypropylene Block |
PSI | Pounds Per Square Inch |
PU | Pick-Up |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride |
QD | Quick Disconnect |
RADAR | Rapid Drive thru Asphalt Release (Electric Eye) |
SCFM | Standard Cubic Feet Per Minute (Air Flow) |
SCH | Schedule (ex. SCH 80) |
Sq | Square |
SS | Stainless Steel |
V | Volt — Also, Viton |
W/ | With |
WR-1 | 1 Chemical Wash, and Rinse |
WR-2 | 2 Chemical Wash, and Rinse |

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