The Lafferty Sentinel is an all-stainless-steel hand hygiene product dispenser for chemical containers with plastic dispensing pumps. The wide push lever allows for easy activation by hand, wrist or elbow, and the rack adjusts to fit the height of the container and pump.
The Sentinel prevents the abuse of plastic pumps and over-dispensing by reducing the push lever range of motion. The entire dispenser can be secured to the wall and locking racks are available. The Sentinel is also available in countertop and freestanding floor styles.
The Sentinel prevents the abuse of plastic pumps and over-dispensing.
The Sentinel is perfect for dispensing hand sanitizer in high-traffic/high-use locations such as commercial kitchens, hospitals, military facilities, retail stores, gyms, office buildings, entertainment venues and countless other locations.
- Prevents over-dispensing
- Prevents pump breakage
- Heavy-duty, stainless-steel design
- Fits bulk containers of many sizes and shapes
- Fits most dispensing pumps (short, tall, foaming, etc.)
- Protects against user abuse and theft
- Push lever adjustable range of motion
- Easy to install and maintain
- Professional, high-end appearance
- Outstanding return on investment
Available Rack Sizes

Lockable Jug Racks protect against the theft of expensive chemical and pumps.
Locking option available for 1-Gallon Round/Square Racks.
Available Styles
The styles shown below feature the 1-Gallon Locking version of the Sentinel. Each rack option is available in all three unit styles: Wall, Counter and Floor.

Model Number Ordering Guide
Add -C or -F to the standard model number (wall style) to indicate counter or floor style.
Wall Mount Style, Standard | # |
Specify ‘Counter Style’ | # -C |
Specify ‘Floor Style’ | # -F |

Contact Us
Are you unsure which Sentinel model is right for your needs? We look forward to answering your questions!
The Lafferty Sentinel™ stands guard 24/7 to prevent cross-contamination.